Being ok with the unexpected is something that Chris Folland, Financial Health Coach, is adept at. He shares some gems here, that maybe handy for you now or sometime in the future, or maybe even for someone you care about.

Take it away Chris…

How comfortable are you with adjusting to the unexpected?

I was certainly not expecting the Covid-19 pandemic, with lockdowns, quarantines, and travel restrictions, let alone the global impact on people and businesses. 

However, over the years I’ve noticed that many of the things I didn’t see coming, that at first glance seemed negative, have often hidden an unexpected positive. 

If you’re concerned to find yourself in a situation that’s distressing for you, then you might want to bear in mind that good can also come from what we’re not expecting. 

Two of my own experiences remind me of this lesson. 

Back in 2004, Fi and I wanted to purchase a property we really loved. We were really excited about the auction, and we put in an even higher bid than we’d agreed that we would. We ended up still being outbid, and we were devastated. 

At the time, I didn’t see any good that could come out of losing the property we felt we really wanted. A few weeks later however, we bought a better property around the corner – at a lower price! Plus, we made 135k of profit a little over a year later.

These bonuses would not have been possible if we’d secured the property we originally wanted. 

We’re simply not able to see around corners, or crystal-ball-gaze into the future. We can only see the first step in the staircase. 

So, when we believe that we are divinely guided, we can take comfort in the good still to come, even though it’s not obvious yet.  

Dr. John Demartini talks about this balance of good and bad, positive and negative – or even ying and yang. The challenge is to look for and be aware of the positive spin. Namely for anything that seems ‘bad’, expect the equal and opposite good. 1 

Another example is when Fi and I got knocked over on a pedestrian crosswalk in 2002.

It was horrible. Our injuries were severe.

My brain was injured when my head hit the windshield. Fi needed reconstructive surgery and to learn how to walk again. Our business coach was carried along the road on the car bonnet and sustained long-term shock to her nervous system.

We needed to heal our bodies, sell our business and restart our careers.

However. This experience set us on our path to financial independence that I don’t think we would have found otherwise

It’s like the situation we’re all in now.  If you’re feeling concerned and worried, take heart. If you could helicopter up and look out over the winding maze that is your life, you just might see something beautiful around the corner that’s actually just about to happen.

I’m trusting that this concept might give you some solace. It’s a bigger picture, long-game view of our divinely guided paths. 

And, if you feel like having a chat about finances and being intentional about your next steps, do reach out. It’s timely as I’m offering free initial consultations and that might be all you need

Until we see you for #AliveWithFi – wishing you a fantastic week ahead 😊

1When faced with a negative experience, it’s worth seeing what happens if you “assume that something good is hidden within each difficulty or challenge.” You might be surprised by what happens next…

“Look for the Hidden Good and 3 Other Ways to React to Problems”

  1. Tracy, (2015)

Fi Jamieson-Folland D.O., I.N.H.C., is The LifeStyle Aligner, with over 27 years experience in Europe, Asia and New Zealand as a qualified Osteopath, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, educator, writer, certified raw vegan gluten-free chef, speaker, health mentor and Health Brand Ambassador.








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