Ready to kick those energy lows and ratty ‘hypo’ moments to the curb? According to Jenny Schatzle, elite trainer, sugar is as addictive as cocaine. It stopped me in my tracks when I read this! So if you’re keen to find specific, effective ways to avoid the challenge of resisting the lure of sugar, then read on – What causes sugar cravings and why do we get them? When our circulating blood sugar levels get too low. This may’ve been triggered by leaving it too long since our last meal, an intense period of physical activity, hormonal imbalances, or our last meal was a high glycaemic index meal one. white rice How do we overcome them? Here are my top 9 ways –
  • Opt for low glycaemic index meal and snack options.
Ever since the University of Sydney pioneered work in this area (see their excellent website – ) it’s helped to take the guess-work out of the equation. In fact, check out their link to discover low GI foods, or ones you’d like to cross-check for their GI value –
  • Drink plenty of water (1.5litres for an adult is a basic guide)
  • Add cinnamon, cardamom and nutmeg to your meals (where they complement the flavours)
  • Use healthy fats in your food preparation (virgin coconut and olive oils are great options)
  • Reduce intake of caffeine, alcohol, processed foods and cigarettes
  • Nourish yourself with good quality sleep
  • Find ways to effectively manage your stress levels
  • Use a high quality Nutritional that has the full complement of minerals and vitamins to make sure our bodies have the building blocks they need; including for optimal absorption, digestion and assimilation.
  • Obvious though it sounds – one of the most powerful ways I’ve seen for my clients overcome this challenge is to be honest with themselves about both what they’re eating, and also if they’re willing to be strong on the timing of when they eat.
Basically, it’s about making sure we put ourselves on the map – and own our own health. And this is also true for those clients who are working around hormonal imbalances, and are committed to doing all they can to improve their blood sugar levels.  Have a fabulous week! If you’d like more Health Hacks, free recipes and lifestyle tips join our newsletter HERE

Fi Jamieson-Folland D.O., I.N.H.C., is The LifeStyle Aligner. She’s an experienced practitioner since 1992 in Europe, Asia and New Zealand as a qualified Osteopath, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, speaker, educator, writer, certified raw vegan gluten-free chef, and Health Brand Ambassador.

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