I’ve had the pleasure of working with a delightful lady, Laurie, after several periods of lockdown (as a response to the COVID virus that was occurring here in NZ).

Laurie was feeling, in her own words ‘tired and I’d put on weight over all the lockdowns during COVID’ and she explained that what she felt she needed was not sort sort of one-hit wonder and instead to look at the whole bigger picture of her health.
She found that she was able to get her health back on track by putting into action some of the recommendations that we covered. We worked with what I call her own unique fingerprint for her health.

Sure there’s plenty of info we can find online….
…is it that we need more info to be able to get the results we need?
Or do we need guidance on what are the specific steps we need to take to help us in our own, unique scenario?

And then being willing to take an honest look at how we’re doing and ask the hard questions.
Is it working? Do we need to tweak it? Do we need to look at something entirely different?
Without our honest answers to these questions, we’re guaranteed to create more of the same.
And this is true for all areas of our health including our social fitness as well as physical fitness and general well-being.1

It’s about making sure that we can tailor our approach to not only our own specific health picture but also to our own capacit, and then seeing how we’re progressing with that approach. That journey for me never ends as it’s all about progress not perfection.

I’m curious to hear if you can relate to what Laurie was sharing there about being stuck in a rut and knowing that things have got stuck over a period.

In the meantime, I’m looking forward to seeing you on this week’s #alivewithFi! Have a fabulous week, ciao for now☺

Fi Jamieson-Folland D.O., I.N.H.C., is The LifeStyle Aligner. She’s an experienced practitioner since 1992 in Europe, Asia and New Zealand as a qualified Osteopath, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, speaker, educator, writer, certified raw vegan gluten-free chef, and Health Brand Ambassador.

1 “‘The widespread failure of current medical practice to reflect the recent advances in knowledge of risk factors for chronic disease and their effective modification through lifestyle intervention undoubtedly results in avoidable death, disability, and human suffering.’
