It’s time for us to hear from our resident Financial Health Coach, Chris Folland. This week he focuses on being nimble when it comes to our financial health – especially at this time.

Over to Chris…

Our topic today is pivoting.

We recently emerged from Covid-19 lock down in New Zealand, and whilst throughout the world everyone is in different stages of sorting it out, I’m hearing a common response, which it’s one of reflection.

A lot of people are pondering and evaluating their own lives, as well as world events. The results include great questions being asked. 1 

For those who haven’t been even busier than ever during the lock down period (namely those other than eg invaluable essential workers, or parents with kids home from schools that have been closed) a unique window has presented itself. Without the constant stress to strive and achieve more, and with time to do what we value, the question becomes –could now be a good time to consider what I might prefer to be doing?’ 

You might ask yourself ‘is now the time to build my immune system -to nourish a healthier me, and to start habits for my long-term well-being – and also for my family?’

Another question might be – ‘what if something like this happens again in the future? What will happen to my income?’

A way to measure financial security is to figure out how long you can survive when your income stops. Basically, it’s how long you can cover your expenses just on your cash reserves.

That said, a question to ponder is –‘would it help me to create streams of passive or residual income so that I have more financial security?’

Maybe now could be a useful time to pivot and ask ourselves these questions.

On the health side, I can’t think of anyone better to talk with than Fi.

On the financial side, you’re welcome to reach out to me. During this challenging pandemic, I’m offering free initial consultations, as an option to brainstorm with someone who has experience on possible next steps based on your specific situation.

Until we connect, see you soon on this week’s #AliveWithFi 😊


1The pandemic has been an invitation for many of us to re-evaluate the way we’ve been living: “when you start asking yourself the right questions, it allows you to ignite a conversation with your inner-self,” and this is what can prompt us to pivot.


“7 Powerful Questions to Help You Live Your Best Life Now”

  1. Dowling, PhD, (n.d.)

Fi Jamieson-Folland D.O., I.N.H.C., is The LifeStyle Aligner, with over 27 years experience in Europe, Asia and New Zealand as a qualified Osteopath, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, educator, writer, certified raw vegan gluten-free chef, speaker, health mentor and Health Brand Ambassador.








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